As part of the fourth edition of his youth journey, Les Petits Spécimens (The Little Specimens 4 – Books are everything to me), Le Signe invites Éditions du livre to design a playful and never before seen journey.
Directed since 2013 by Alexandre Chaize, this independent publishing house publishes artist books for children with a geometric, minimal and colourful aesthetic. In these works, the narration arises from the dialogue between the image and the manipulation of the book object. Éditions du livre defends a clear principle: “The book format is the substance”.
This participatory exhibition literally invites you to jump into the books! The works have been redesigned as installations that unfold in Le Signe gallery.
Thus, the animal parade in Zoo in my hand welcomes children, the colourful garden of Hello Tomato turns into a card game on a human scale, while Matriochka becomes a giant hut. Large colourful walls recreate the abstract paintings of Dots, Lines, Colours, Strips and Spaces. The Aquarium fish are adorned with light colours and the Papillons imprimeurs with polychrome wings create a mysterious colour scheme. Finally, Au soleil and Dans la lune reveal their cycle through subtle overprinting games.
Throughout the journey, children and adults alike are invited to interact with the facilities and participate in mini-workshops around the books.
Exhibition from February 5 to April 26, 2020 at Le Signe, Centre National Du Graphisme, (National Graphic Centre) Chaumont.
Photos © Nicolas Waltefaugle